RecipeID Image Ingredient Secondary Title Type Serves Difficulty Diets Time
Recip-020 cauliflower mushrooms Cream of cauliflower soup and wild mushrooms soup 8 easy vegetarian 2 hours
Recip-026 tomatoes veal Tomato soup with mince balls soup 4 easy meat 35 mins
Recip-077 squash pesto Butternut squash soup and pesto toasts soup 4 easy vegetarian 1h
Recip-090 chicken vegetables Creamy chicken soup soup 4 easy meat 40 mins
Recip-104 asparagus pesto toast Classic asparagus soup with pesto toasts soup 3 easy vegetarian 30 mins
Recip-112 broccoli stilton Broccoli soup with stilton toasts soup 4 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-122 carrots stock Vegetable bouillon soup 2 easy vegetarian 1h 30mins
Recip-135 cauliflower egg Cauliflower Polonaise soup soup 6 easy vegetarian 1h 10mins
Recip-169 chicken vegetables Roast chicken soup soup 4 easy meat 1h
Recip-348 tomatoes creme fraiche Dutch tomato soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 45 mins
Recip-412 carrots sweet potatoes Roasted sweet potato and carrot soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 50 mins
Recip-418 carrots celery Maman Blanc vegetable and chervil soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 32 mins
Recip-463 celeriac potatoes Rich Celeriac and Potato Soup and Smoked Cheddar Toasts soup 6 easy vegetarian 1h
Recip-495 mushrooms thyme Field mushrooms and thyme soup soup 6 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-541 onions gruyere French onion soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 1h 10 mins
Recip-561 asparagus eggs Asparagus Soup with Dippy Egg soup 4 easy vegetarian 1h
Recip-729 potato spring onions Potato and spring onion soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 30 mins
Recip-738 mushroom gruyere Mushroom and chive soup with Gruyere ham toasts soup 4 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-775 chicken mushrooms Shredded chicken with wild mushroom broth soup 4 easy meat 1h 20 mins
Recip-778 fish peas Pea and pesto soup with fish finger croutons soup 2 easy meat 15 mins
Recip-815 onions cheese French onion soup James Martin soup 4 easy vegetarian 60 mins
Recip-839 carrots milk Carrot soup with Parmesan straws soup 2 easy vegetarian 25 mins
Recip-1006 monkfish celeriac Banker's fish soup soup 2 easy fish 40 mins
Recip-1017 courgettes tomatoes Courgette and tomato soup soup 8 easy vegetarian 45 mins
Recip-1039 peas spring onions Pea Soup Masterclass soup 4 easy vegetarian 35 mins
Recip-1041 chicken matzo meal Soothing chicken dumpling soup soup 4 easy meat 2h 20 mins
Recip-1077 oxtail onion Oxtail soup soup 6 easy meat 4h 45 mins
Recip-1183 hearty_lentil_soup lentils carrots Hearty lentil soup soup 6 easy vegetarian 60 mins
Recip-1306 minestrone_soup tomatoes beans Minestrone soup soup 8 easy meat 1h 20 mins
Recip-1389 one-pan_carrot_cumin_soup carrots cream One-pan carrot and cumin soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 50 mins
Recip-1287 lentil_tomato_soup lentils tomatoes Lentil and tomato soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-1293 carrot_and_parsnip_soup carrots parsnips Carrot and parsnip soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-1448 creme_du_barry cauliflower leeks Creme du Barry soup 4 easy vegetarian 45 mins
Recip-1443 minestrone_in_minutes tomatoes vegetables Minestrone in minutes soup 4 easy vegetarian 10 mins
Recip-1461      cream_mushroom_soup mushrooms shallots Cream of mushroom soup  soup 4  easy vegetarian 32 mins
Recip-1476 summery_pea_basil_soup peas leeks Summery pea and basil soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 40 mins
Recip-1478 courgette_potato_chedddar_soup courgettes potatoes Courgette, potato and cheddar soup soup 4 easy vegetarian 30 mins
Recip-1526 witloof_soep chicory potatoes Witloof soep soup 2 easy vegetarian 30 mins