Layered Chicken & Pork Terrine |
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Serves 8 |
Prep 40 mins |
Cooking 2h 10 mins |
Challenge |
My rating |
Ingredients |
1/2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra to brush
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp brandy, optional
12 rashers smoked streaky bacon
500g pack pork mince
50g dried apricots, finely chopped
5 fresh sage leaves, finely chopped
2 skinless chicken breasts
40g pistachios, roughly chopped
finely grated zest of 1/2 orange
Heat the oil in a medium pan
and gently cook the onion for 10 mins until softened.
Carefully add the brandy, if using, and bubble for 30
secs, then tip the mixture into a large bowl and set aside
to cool.
Preheat the oven to 180C
/Fan160C/gas 4. Lightly stretch about 10 of the bacon
rashers lengthways and use to line the inside of a 900g (2
lbs) loaf tin, leaving the excess hanging over the sides
(trimming to fit short sides if needed) Spoon 1/3 of the
cooled onions into a separate bowl. To the remaining 2/3,
add the pork mince, apricots, sage, salt and plenty of
ground black pepper. Set aside.
Next, whizz the chicken
breasts in a food processor until finely ground. Add to
the bowl with just onions in it and mix in the pistachios,
orange zest and some salt.
Press 1/2 the pork mixture
into the base of the lined loaf tin, levelling the
surface. Top with the chicken mixture in an even layer and
finish with the rest of the pork mixture, pressing to
level. Fold any overhanging bacon over the filling and
cover with the remaining rashers. Press down again to make
sure the surface is smooth. Lightly oil a small sheet of
aluminium foil; press on top of the loaf tin. Wrap the tin
well in a further double layer of foil; put into a
roasting tin.
Half-fill the roasting tin
with boiling water from a kettle; carefully transfer to
the oven. Cook for 1½ hours
until the terrine feels solid if pressed. Lift the tin out
of the water. Unwrap the outer layers of the foil (leaving
the greased foil layer in place) Carefully discard the
liquid from the terrine ( this will set into a jelly if
not done) Leave to cool.
Sit the loaf tin on a baking
tray; sit three tins of tomatoes (or similar) on top of
the terrine (resting on the foil layer). Chill overnight.
To serve, preheat the oven to
190C/170C Fan/Gas 5. Unmold the terrine onto a baking
tray; lightly brush with oil. Brown in the oven for 25
mins (if you don't want the terrine browned, leave this
step out). Serve the terrine warm or at room temperature
with cranberry sauce, or chutney and toasts.