Filet Mignon
Rôti au Miel et Sauce Soja |
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Serves 2 |
Prep 15 mins |
Cooking 30 mins |
Easy |
My rating |
Ingredients |
1 filet of pork (about 400g)
2 tbsp of honey
2 tsp mustard
1/2 tbsp soya sauce
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp chives, finely chopped, for garnish
olive oil
Preheat the oven to 240C/ Fan
220C/ Gas 8. Put the meat in a ovenproof dish, preferably
greased with a little olive oil.
Mix the honey,
mustard, soya sauce and lemon juice in a bowl. Spread this mixture
over the meat. Turn the oven temperature down to 210C/ Fan
190C/ Gas 7 and cook in the oven for 30 minutes. Keep an
eye on the sauce while cooking. If it looks dried out or
is beginning to burn, add a little water.
Check the meat is cooked, then
take it out of the oven and rest for a few minutes before
slicing and sprinkle the chives over the meat. Serve the
sauce separately with noodles, white rice or aubergines.